Skin – Packs and Facts


Skin – packs and facts will help in intensifying its beauty. It needs pampering and care both internally and externally.

Skinfoods play an important role in improving internal health. Packs and masks do wonders in amplifying external health.


Let us uncover the facts.

Why do wrinkles appear?

The beauty of the skin depends on a proper supply of blood. If the supply is hindered it affects the surface of the skin, hence wrinkles appear.

At which age does it start to age?

The pace of aging begins at the age of 25. It is not that fast between 30 to 35 but turns fast between 35 to 50, and speedy between 50 to 65.

How to imposter time? 

You can cheat time by following a proper skincare routine, doing face yoga, taking good internal and external care, and supplying skin foods.

Rivals of the skin 

The beauty of the skin gets deteriorated due to some of these reasons mentioned beneath – 

1- Removal of the uterus

The uterus creates the sheen of the skin. If it is removed just the opposite happens. Therefore it is very important to consult several specialists before removing it. 

2- Menopause

At this time body stops manufacturing estrogen. 

What does estrogen do for the skin?

Estrogen assists in precluding the aging of the skin. It retains the thickness of the skin by boosting the production of collagen.

3- Overexposure of the skin to the sun

Aging skin happens due to UV rays. Due to lack of hydration, the skin dehydrates causing fine lines. Drinking water and applying aloe vera can guard the skin from damage.

4- Heavy make-up, late nights, and consuming too much alcohol.

Avoid late nights and limit yourself from ingesting too much alcohol. Remove make-up thoroughly before going to bet and apply homemade products.

Types of skin

There are diverse categories of skin. Besides normal and combination, the other two kinds are dry and oily.

1- Normal skin

It glows with inner health that stems from good blood circulation and excellent health. 

At night apply a thin film of homemade moisturizer. Wash your face with a mild soap twice daily to keep it soft and clear.

Face packs for normal skin

1-Honey and turmeric pack

  • Honey 2 tbsp
  • Turmeric 1/2 tsp
  • Mix the two ingredients.
  • Apply and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Wash.

2- Coconut milk and lemon juice pack

  • Coconut milk half cup
  • Two tomato slices
  • Apply and leave it for 30 mts.
  • Wash it off.

3- Aloe Vera and Instant coffee pack

  • Aloe vera gel 2 tbsp
  • Instant coffee 1 tbsp
  • Mix the two and apply to the face.
  • Leave it for 20 minutes and wash it off.

4 – Activated charcoal and aloe water pack

  • Activated charcoal 2 tbsp
  • Aloe water 2 tbsp
  • Mix and apply. Leave it for 15 minutes.
  • Wash it off with plain water.

2- Combination skin

A blend of both oily and dry results makes Combination skin.

There is a greasy center panel consisting of the nose, forehead, and chin and a dry panel consisting of the cheeks mouth, and the areas around the eyes.

Apply astringents on the oily parts of the skin

Face packs for combination skin

1- Honey cucumber pack

  • Mix and apply for 15 mts and wash off.

2- Avocado and coconut pack

  • Knead the avocado.
  • Mix it with little coconut oil.
  • Apply for 20 minutes. Wash off.

3- Banana and cream milk pack

  • Mix the two. Apply and let it stay 20 mts.
  • Wash off.

4- Strawberry and honey pack

  • Mix and apply for 20 mts and wash off.

5- Cream and mint pack

  • Chop and crush the mint leaves.
  • Put cream milk into it and blend them properly.
  • Apply and let it stay 20 mts.
  • Wash off.

6- Coconut oil and lemon pack

  • Mix the two. Apply and let it stay 15 mts.
  • Wash off.

7- Potato, tomato juice, and honey pack

  • Peel and grate.
  • Mix it with tomato juice and honey.
  • Apply and let it stay 20 mts.
  • Wash off.

8- Banana and honey pack

  • Mix the two. Apply and let it stay 20 mts.
  • Wash off.

9- Oats and honey pack

  • Mix the two.
  • Apply and let it stay 20 mts.
  • Wash off.

10- Cream milk and lemon pack

  • Mix the two. Apply and let it stay 15 mts.
  • Wash off.

2- Oily skin

Oil is good for the skin. It keeps the skin soft and prevents it from drying and from the formation of wrinkles. But if there is too much oil on the skin then there can be fungal infection and pimples on the face.

Despite the fact that oily skin can result in many problems they will seldom suffer from the problems of wrinkles and fine lines.

Face packs for oily skin

1- Egg white and lemon juice mask

  • Take the egg white from a single egg. 
  • Add a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice to it. 
  • Apply this mixture to your face evenly. 
  • Let it sit for half an hour. 
  • Wash it off with warm water.

2- Cucumber mask

  • Cut thin slices of cucumber.
  • Apply them to the face and let it sit for half an hour.
  • Then let it sit overnight. 
  • In the morning wash your face with water and apply a good water-based moisturizer.

3- Fresh tomato juice mask

  • Massage fresh tomato juice onto your facial skin
  • Let it sit for half an hour. 
  • Rinse it off with warm water. 
  • You can use this mask daily.
Dry skin

When the natural water of the skin evaporates skin dries out. The skin loses its capacity to store natural moisture

Face Masks for dry skin

1- Coconut oil and honey mask

  • 2 tbsp of full virgin coconut oil.
  • Half a cup of pure honey.
  • Put both the ingredients in a mixer and blend them well. 
  • Apply 2 to 3 even layers of the mask on your face using a face brush. 
  • Leave it for 20 mts. 
  • Wash it off with warm water.
  • Apply a good moisturizer to your face.
  • Use this mask four times a week.

2- Fresh aloe vera and fresh cream mask

  • 2 tbsp of Aloe vera 
  • Half a cup of fresh cream
  • Mix them well in a mixer. 
  • Apply and let it sit for 30 mts. 
  • Wash off with warm water. 
  • Use it four times a week.

3- Oatmeal honey milk mask

  • 2 tbsp of oats
  • 2 tbsp of honey
  • 2 tsp of milk powder
  • Mix them well
  • Can add liquid milk to make it thin if required
  • Keep aside this mixture for 30 mts. 
  • Apply and leave it for 20 mts on the face. 
  • Wash off with plain water and apply a light moisturizer. 
  • You can use it 3 to 4 times a week.

4- Banana curd and honey mask

  • 2 bananas
  • 1 tbsp of honey
  • One-fourth cup of curd
  • Mix them all in a blender thoroughly
  • Apply it to the face and hair 
  • Leave it for 30 minutes.
  • Wash it off with plain water


A little care will make the skin beautiful. It’s in our hands how we cherish ourselves. Face yoga can improve your appearance.

Go for natural products like turmeric, and fuller’s earth. If any side effect erupts then discontinue applying the product. 

Keep posting your inputs, experience, and opinion in the comments section.


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