10 Amazing Benefits of Walking Every Day

After learning the 10 amazing benefits of walking every day a health freak will certainly adopt this easiest and cheapest way of exercising. It is better to start walking than not doing anything. This physical activity reduces the hazard of illness. Just two hours per week can make your life better.
Fitness Fever
We have all heard that walking is the best medicine. Why not walk and attain optimum health benefits from it. Staying fit does not mean doing push-ups or a pull-up. Why not transform yourself into a fitter you. Walking is a way out of staying fit at no cost.
Walk your way to good health
Walk your way to good health and achieve a strong body. Walking can be easily adapted and accounts for more than half the body’s muscles and joints. It exercises your spinal cord, shoulders, arms, feet, heart, lungs, and brain.
Best exercises for women
Women tend to lose weight in their arms and stomach. They love to work out on a special machine for the inner and outer thigh. Women love to do a lot of cardio but avoid weights. Instead of starving, if they just walk and eat the right food at the right time, they will notice the difference.
Best exercises for men
Men genetically do not have a stronger lower body like women. They love to work out their upper bodies but hate to work out their lower bodies.
The lower body is 50 percent of their entire body weight and the lower back also tends to get weaker. Walking can make the lower back stronger.
Walking is the best exercise for all.
Strolling is an effortless physical activity that gives numerous advantages. To get the best value for the time spent on your walk schedule keep the following points in mind before you start to walk.
1- Toss away the old flip-flops. This will help with posture during your walk and also reduce the risk of injury.
2- Focus on your posture –
Your core should be activated and you’re back straight.
3- Keep a happy frame of mind.
4- Avoid walking immediately after meals (except during blood sugar issues).
5- Begin with a fifteen-minute walk and slowly built it up to thirty minutes over a period.
6- Be regular and consistent.
7- Take a break if exhausted.
8- If you are out of shape, consult your doctor before working out your walking schedule. The factors to consider would be your present physical state and the time available.
9- Mornings are the best time for walking.
10- After every four steps, inhale deeply as your lungs can take. Retain inhaled air for four steps and gradually exhale for the next six steps.
Benefits of walking
Read on the 10 benefits of walking –
1- Lower chances of catching a cold
People who walk regularly have a lower probability of catching a cold. They are less prone to colds and coughs compared to others.
2- Can get rid of the extra calories
Calories can’t be burnt just by strolling inside the house. It is important to do a fast walk outside. Cover at least a decent distance. Take a healthy diet with your walk. When all these are combined it becomes easy to lose weight.
3- It will make your heart healthy
Walking is one of the easiest cardio exercises, anyone can do it. You have to walk at a faster pace to resolve cardiovascular-related problems. A distance of either thirty to forty minutes daily or 5½ miles weekly can make your heart healthy.
4- Increases body’s resistance
The immunity of the body will increase just by walking. There will be a reduction in the infection in the upper respiratory tract. To maintain regularity walking can be done on a treadmill.
5- Decreasing blood sugar levels
Walk after meals to control diabetes. Post-meal strolling gives maximum benefits in lowering blood sugar levels. Go for a routine stroll after breakfast, lunch, and dinner and see the difference.
6- Lubricate joints and reduces their pain
Walking makes the muscle (that holds the joints) strong and greases them. It gives relief from Arthritis pain and reduces the knee and hip joint pain also.
7- Reduces stress
It intensifies the mood and fights depression. Walking encourages self-esteem and uplifts one’s mood. Try a 30 minutes wander when you are in a gloomy mindset. Post your brisk walk you certainly will see an improvement.
8- Tones your legs
Walking on a treadmill can also build up strength in your legs. The inclined position of the treadmill gives the benefits of a hilly place and makes the leg muscles strong.
9- Raises energy
On a fatigued day take and stroll outside and boost your energy levels. Extra oxygen flow in the body Raises energy.
10- It is free and hassles free
No tools are needed to do this physical activity. It does not cost anything and above all walking is completely hassle-free. All you need is good shoes and loose clothes.
Types of walking
The procedure while walking separates them into different categories. The various types of walking are as follows –
1- Power walking
Walking done at a fast pace is power walking. This builds up total body strength.
2- Wander walking
Day-to-day stroll also provides health benefits. You can take a stroll and improve your bone and muscle health.
3- Brisk walking
Taking 100 steps per minute is the correct technique for doing brisk walking. It increases the heart rate and keeps it healthy.
4- Way of life walking
In this category, the walk is not noticeable but is a natural walk done in a park or a mall.
5- Run walk
Increase the speed of the walk as if you are running. It burns the calories immensely.
You can do any type of walk but keep in mind that you elongate your spine and keep your posture right.
Walking helps to get glowing skin.
If you are not blessed with glowing skin and have sensitive and acne-prone skin then walk to get glowing skin.
Walking is the best food for our skin. Yes start the walk and attain a noticeable difference. Besides offering other health benefits walking improves blood circulation and gives you radiant skin. Regular walks resolve all skin-related problems. No matter what type of walk you do but a conscious effort to do it regularly and for at least 45 minutes improves skin quality.
Sometimes due to laziness regularity, cannot be maintained. Instead of going to a doctor, it is better to take a stroll and enjoy nature’s beauty. Once a habit is instilled it becomes effortless to get up and go for a walk. No excuse can stop you from going out, even on a rainy day. The addiction will not allow you to miss a single day of the daily stroll.
Avoid walks between ten a:m to four p:m. If the need arises then do not forget to wear your sunscreen before going out on afternoons. Morning and evening times are best.
Sweating opens clogged pores and slows down the aging procedure. It clears the skin. The removal of impurities from the skin makes it look radiant and fresh. Perspiration balances the hormones and leaves the skin problem-free.
You don’t have to pay for like the gym. Inhale the fresh air and get a good night’s sleep. Adapt walking and say goodbye to problematic skin.
Why morning walks are best for health?
5 AM to 7 AM is the perfect time for physical activity. The pollution-free atmosphere at that time doubles the advantages of performing any type of exercise. The body gets an ample amount of oxygen.
Walking in the Evening
One can indeed burn more calories in the morning and return home in a refreshing mood but if evenings are free weight loss goals can be achieved by strolling during this time also.
What should be eaten before the morning walk?
Take a glass of water with lemon squeezed in it before going for a walk. One banana or a fist full of nuts can also be consumed
What is a good distance for walking every day?
Daily forty-five minutes of walk is good to go. 10,000 steps per day are suggested for most grown-ups. A distance of 8 kilometers is a good distance to walk every day.
Can we take a nap after walking?
Sleeping after doing any physical activity or exercise can help in muscle healing. While one sleeps the pituitary gland discharges growth hormone which repairs the muscles.
Can you lose weight by just walking? Are 10k steps daily enough to lose weight?
These are some commonly asked questions. The number of
calories you burn by walking depends on these factors –
1- Your weight? (Body weight or added weight)
2- Intensity
3- Distance (stride) covered.
4- Terrain (uphill)
Muscles used in walking
Several muscle groups are used in walking including the quadriceps (front thigh), hamstring (back thighs), glutes (buttock), calves, and ankle. Supportive muscles in walking are the back and abdominal muscles.
For Beginners
Beginners can start with 6000 steps and 10000 should be your target. It can be more than that too.
Shall an individual walk 10k steps daily?
10k steps a daily is the total daily steps count. It is not a difficult task. This challenging and achievable target is easy to remember 10k steps = 8kms approximately.
How many calories are burnt after walking 10k steps?
Most people burn 30 to 40 calories per 1000 steps they walk. It means they will burn 300 to 400 calories by walking 10000 steps.
Walking for weight loss tips
1- Check the weather – walk in sun in winters and avoid
in summers
2- Go for a walk 2-3 times a day. Split up the time.
3- Pick up the pace. Set a goal.
4- Walk on an incline.
5- Do some warm-up, stretching, and cool down.
6- Add weights to walking.
7- Pre and post-workout meals, for example, green tea, fruits, etc.
8- Track your steps (phone, apps, pedometers, watch).
9- Listen to some music.
10- Stay hydrated
Besides the above-mentioned benefits, walking improves longevity, promotes mental health, decreases symptoms of depression and anxiety, combats obesity, and maximizes your NEAT – Non-exercise activity thermogenesis.
Take your first step towards better health.
Happy walking.
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