Category: Hair Care

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12 Easy Hair Hacks To Make Them Healthy

My readers will get to know 12 easy hair hacks – that will make them healthy. These hacks are easy time-saving DIY efforts towards attaining wholesome and problem-free crowning glory.

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Premature Greying of Hair – Causes and Remedies

Nowadays premature greying of hair in children and teenagers is on a rise. White hair is considered a mark of aging. Healthy hair symbolizes a sign of good health. So does it mean that premature greying of hair indicates ill health?

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WINTER CARE FOR YOUR HAIR – Problems and fixes

How to take care of your hair in winter? Should any specific winter care routine be followed for your precious mane? Do winters bring hair problems like breakage, split ends, hair fall, white flakes, and frizziness?

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Dandruff – All you want to know

Dandruff, a nasty rival of the precious tresses, is a common problem. It is like a heap of white flakes deposited on the scalp creating troublesome itchiness. Layers of dead skin gather on the scalp creating this problem.

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Hair Dyes- Natural and Synthetic Types

Preparing a hair dye or decorating the tresses with various elements was conducted for ages. Painting locks using different formulas is not a new vogue. With time experimentation of working on distinct ideas has boomed. Individuals are exploring a lot to achieve a unique and new hair tint.