Oiling Hair – 6 do’s and don’t and hair nourishment

oiling hair

From childhood, we have heard phrases like, oiling your hair (Bajaj Almond drop hair oil) gives nourishment, oiling your hair (Satthwa premium hair oil ) boosts your hair health (Kama Ayurveda Bringadi intensive hair treatment), and the roots strong (Dabur Amla hair oil for strong roots), and this ritual was followed generations after generations.

Grandmothers of the house had always taken the responsibility of oiling (Navratna Ayurvedic cool hair oil with 9 herbal ingredients)other family member’s hair, isn’t it? Now the question arises — is there any basic rule of oiling (Emami 7 oils in one hair oil)or just tapping your fingers onto the scalp is oiling (Nandikesham hair oil).

To avoid damage to the hair are we damaging it by following the wrong pattern of oiling? Besides the associate links of natural products with confirmed extravagant hair health, I am listing 6 dos and the don’t. Before oiling traces follow the dos and don’t and get out of all stress troubles.

Before we discuss this segment let us understand the oils.

Know your oils

There are several types of natural oils available. Let us understand the properties of the oils individually.

Coconut oil – This oil is of multiple uses. That’s why it is the most preferred oil. It is anti-bacterial and is known for its ability to repair scars, cuts, and injuries. Coconut oil contains the goodness of natural antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory features.

Olive oil – The additional benefit of this oil is it has anti-aging outcomes. Vitamin E and K present in this oil moisturize the hair, making it soft, shiny, and manageable. It has antioxidants. Olive oil prolongs the lifetime of the locks by nourishing them.

Almond oil – You can declare this oil as the powerhouse of nutrition. It’s abundant in vitamin B7 or biotin. It works as a natural SPF 5 and protects the tresses from the damage caused by the sun. This oil has copper, magnesium, and phosphorus in abundance. Almond oil is a remedy for all hair-related problems. 

Jojoba oil – This oil is rich in Vitamins like Vitamin A, D, C, B, and E. Jojoba oil has antioxidants and minerals in abundance. Omega 6 and 9 fatty acids heighten the feature of this powerful oil.

Amla oil – The nutrients existing in this oil are Vitamin C, Vitamin A. It has polyphenols and antioxidant components. Dietary fiber and calcium exist in this oil.

Bhringradi oil – Another name of this oil is Eclipta Alba. Popularly it is known as Mahabhringraj oil. This oil is full of Vitamin D and Vitamin E.  Bhringradi oil has a plentiful amount of calcium and iron.

Mustard Oil – This oil is enriched with multiple components that are great for the thickening of the tresses. Out of the manyfold benefits, some are mentioned here. Mustard oil has a stable amount of omega 6 fatty acids and omega 3 acids. It has Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B complex.

Sesame Oil – It has several phenolic compounds. Sesame oil contains Vitamin E which controls damages happened by UV rays. The features of antioxidants are also present in the oil. There are some fatty acids present in this oil.

I am listing 6 dos and the don’t. Before oiling traces follow the dos and don’t and get out of all stress troubles

Some don’t about oiling your hair

1- Do not take too much oil

If you believe that patting your locks with loads of oil will give more nourishment to the hair, then you are wrong. Always remember to take less oil. More is harmful.

2- Do not keep it overnight

We used to oil our hair and used to leave it overnight thinking it will nurture the crowning glory to the fullest. Keeping oil in your hair for more than five to six hours makes hair sticky and allows dirt to sit on it besides it mixes with the scalp’s original oils. It can also cause hair infections. keeping oil overnight is a big no-no. “Experts say 30 minutes is more than enough.”

3- Oiling on an oily scalp is not supported

Applying oil frequently on an oily scalp is not advisable. It can be done occasionally but on regular basis, it will harm the hair.

4- Don’t tie your hair too tight after applying oil

Tieing hair too tight after oiling leads to breakage and split ends. After oiling the hair is in a vulnerable state so which can lead to breakage. Tieing hair too tightly increases the chances of losing out on strands.

5- Brushing your hair after oiling is not a good idea.

As you know that after oiling the scalp is relaxed and any force applied to the hair can lead to breakage. Comb your hair very softly starting from the tips to the top. This method will spread the oil evenly all over the scalp and detangle the hair. So be slow and don’t be in a hurry while brushing your hair.

6- Do not go out of the house after oiling

Oiled hair collects dirt easily, so do not step out of the house after oiling, but if you cant avoid going out then tie a scarf around to protect your hair

Now let’s move on to the do’s

1- Apply oil on clean hair.

If your hair is dirty then after oiling dirt will sit on the scalp and damage it.

2- Use warm oil

It is always recommended to use lukewarm oil for oiling because scalps absorb warm oil quickly and the outcome will be outstanding.

3- Give a much-needed massage to your head

Besides using lukewarm oil massaging the scalp with it is a good habit. This will relax your mind and will stimulate blood flow and make the hair healthy sparkling and soft.

4- Oil before shampooing.

Shampooing after oiling will make it look lustrous

5- Light oiling after shampooing is advised on dry hair

If you have dry hair then oil can be used as a finishing touch to the hair after shampooing. This will make the hair more manageable and will give a natural shine

6- Use a cotton swab for applying oil

Be gentle to your scalp. Use a cotton swab. This method will help penetrate the oil and will keep it damage-free..

Responding Some Queries

I will proceed towards answering some questions.

Is oiling good for hair?

Yes, oiling is like providing nourishment to your locks. Imagine our hair to be a plant and the scalp to be its roots. Oiling is just like watering plants.

For healthy locks nurturing and nourishing them is a necessary task.

How long should I oil my hair?

Oiling for a minimum of two to three hours is sufficient. You can also keep them oiled overnight.

Do not use excess quantity of oil. Anything in abundance is not good.

Can I apply hair oil daily?

You can apply oil daily. Do not keep the oil for too long. Oiling will generate hair fall. Oiling two to three times a week will give good results.

Should we comb hair after oiling?

Comb your hair before oiling. You can detangle your tresses and then proceed to oil them.

Later you can make it frizz-free with your fingers.

What oil is best for hair?

I have given a complete description of various oils.

Select the one which suits your requirement.

These were some answers. Read on my posts and explore diverse subjects related to skin, hair, nails, face, yoga, meditation, etc.

I hope the above tips are of some help to my readers. I believe that if you’ll keep these points in mind before oiling your hair. You definitely will get wonderful results.

Do not forget to address your opinions and viewpoints in the comment section.


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