Self Care is not Selfish

self care

True self care is not face masks, scented candles, bubble baths, or chocolate cake but rather it is choosing to build a life that you don’t need to regularly escape from. It is creating mental space and energy to come back to life tasks, problems, or stresses with more mental resources to handle them.

What is self-care?

Self-care is the practice of intentionally taking care of oneself to improve overall well-being, reduce anxiety, and enhance physical, mental, and emotional health. It encompasses a great many activities and procedures. Self-care has become progressively significant in the present fast and demanding world. It should leave you feeling nourished, energized, and ready to take on what comes next in life.

Why self-care matters?

Self-care revitalizes our physical, mental, and emotional resources, forestalling burnout and upgrading versatility. By focusing on self-care, we support ourselves, further develop efficiency, and develop a better relationship with ourselves as well as other people. It is a fundamental practice for a decent and satisfying life.

The misconception about self-care

The definition of self-care is not just putting cucumber on your eyes, booking a spa treatment, doing your nails and hair, going on a shopping spree, or treating yourself with shoes and clothes. That self-care would make you feel good for a couple of hours and will numb the pain for a short amount of time.

self care

11 simple self-care tips 

If you’re not sure about where to start when it comes to self-care then these simple ideas will assist you with setting off on the correct way ahead, each day in turn.

1 Make a sleep routine 

Do you have a consistent time to go to bed? Practicing self-care is easier when you create a routine because it mentally prepares you to disconnect. And it’s especially helpful when it comes to going to bed.

Drinking water before bed or reading a book to wind down are some things you could try. Some even say that dimming the lights before sleeping works well as it signals your brain to start producing melatonin, the sleep hormone. This tip works great especially if you spend hours in front of a computer.

2 Eat Mindfully

Are you mindful of what you eat? What you put into your body affects your physical well-being and plays a role in your mental health. Stress, anxiety, and depression can be the reason for Inflammatory bowel disease. Ultimately, your objective should be to feel and look better. 

3 Do something that makes you feel good

Do whatever makes you feel good before you have to jump back into the stress of everyday life. Maybe you write down your feelings or you talk to your favorite person or you could even just take a nap. It feels good to do something that makes you feel good, it can be as simple as taking a deep breath or learning a breathing exercise that helps you calm down when you’re stressed.

4 Disconnect

Are you always plugged into your computer or your phone? This may be difficult to do, especially with how much your work and personal life require you to be online all the time, but taking time to disconnect is important for your mental well-being.

Whether it’s because you scrolling through your phone to look at the news or social media, or because of work, looking at your screens for a long period without breaks is an unhealthy habit. This is why you must spend some time offline as well. Perhaps, you can go for a walk, do some yoga, or get involved in a hobby. Whatever it is, being disconnected from your screens from time to time can help you clear your mind and relieve stress. 

5 Organize, inside and out 

What does your room look like? The environment around you can affect your mental health. Researchers have shown that a disorganized home can contribute to depression, anxiety, and weight gain. So if you find yourself surrounded by a lot of clutter and mess, it may be time to start organizing the things around you. Start to take the steps to create a more tidy and clean environment for yourself and your mental well-being.

6 Practice gratitude

Self-care can also be practicing gratitude like keeping a journal of things you are grateful for or happy about even just saying something nice to a stranger you can get in touch with your artistic side or do something like joining a new community or activity.

7 Set healthy boundaries

Self-care can be saying no to something that you don’t want to or cannot do. Simply say, “No, I can’t” or “No, I would rather not.” Keep away from statements of regret when they aren’t justified. You don’t have to apologize for having made earlier arrangements. Try not to say you’ll think regarding it when you realize on the spot that you would rather not make it happen. This is perhaps an ongoing task, but a very worthwhile form of self-care.

8 Self-care for your mental health 

Our well-being is connected with self-care for our mental health. It helps clean up your brain and decrease your feelings of anxiety. Any activity that revitalizes your brain example reading a book, cracking a riddle, playing chess, and so on. By planning time every day to focus on your psychological well-being, you can lessen your pressure and work on your overall happiness.

9 Relish nature

Time spent in nature rejuvenates the mind, body, and soul, cultivating a sense of peace and appreciation for the wonders of life. Relishing nature is embracing the essence of existence itself.

Like nature, we also go through different seasons in our lives. Spring is when we feel motivated summer is when we are energized, and winter is a season when we need to slow down. 

The best we can do is just go with the flow.

10 Manage your finances

This is not a fun one but is an important part of self-care. Figuring out how to tackle debt or how to not grow debt or how to save up for important expenses is a form of taking care of yourself.

11 Self-acceptance

Self-acceptance is all about embracing your positive and negative features. It is a positive mindset of a person that gives confidence. Give yourself the same grace, compassion, and care that you give to others.


Be the best version of yourselves. Recharge and recommit to knowing your self-worth. These self-care habits and practices will help you to navigate through life.


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