WINTER CARE FOR YOUR HAIR – Problems and fixes

How to start the winter haircare regime? Should any specific winter care routine be followed for your precious mane? Do winters bring hair problems like breakage, split ends, hair fall, white flakes, and frizziness?
Some general rules are there, which if followed religiously can wave off hair dilemmas and make you fall in love with your locks.
Winter Haircare routine depends on two factors.
Hair-related concerns majorly depend on two factors, climatic changes, and hair type.
The supervision of the hair keep’s changing as per the climatic variations. For example, during a hot, sweaty climate, frequent washing of hair is required.
Haircare routine also depends on the different hair types, like a dry hair type requires lesser washing than an oily one. So it is essential to observe and analyze your hair type and accordingly treat your hair.
Ten generic winter haircare methods for all seasons
There is no tailored regimen that can be followed blindly throughout the year. The struggle of fighting with fixing hair problems will end if a universal method is followed. This is how you can take care of your lovely locks all year round.
1-A protein-rich diet is beneficial for the wellness of your crowning glory
Diet plays a major role in maintaining the good health of your hair. Have at least five servings of fresh vegetables and fruits and drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water every day.
2- Brush your hair the right way
The right brushing technique is the one that starts from the hairline, moving upwards and outwards, while removing the knots and tangles. This ensures good blood circulation, which in turn helps to distribute the natural oils right up to the hair ends.
3- Oiling makes all the difference
Oil your hair at least once a week, with a good ayurvedic or herbal hair oil with the help of your fingers. A good homemade DIY oil can be a good choice. Massage delivers vitalizing benefits and improves the health of the locks.
4- Vibrator promotes blood circulation
A vibrator (USA) can be used in slow, small, and circular movements. This improves blood circulation, strengthens the hair root, conditions the hair, reduces split ends, and also combats dandruff and hair – loss.
5- Feed food to the roots
Furnish good hair food to the tresses. Mix one tablespoon of amla, shikakai, Brahmi, and Bringraj powder with four tablespoons of Heena, curd, and one or two eggs. Apply this mixture from the hair root to the hair ends and leave it for an hour, before washing it off.
6- Shampoo the right way
Using a suitable shampoo and shampooing the right way is very important. Always comb the hair before shampooing. Take a sufficient quantity of shampoo in water taken in a liter of a mug, then pour water from a distance of about two feet to get bubbles. Bend your neck down and put your hair into the mug to disperse the shampoo over the hair ends. Gently caress your locks in a circular movement, massaging (USA) them with fingertips. Rinse properly with water to ensure that your hair is shampoo-free.
7- Massage before shampooing
Oil your hair before shampooing. However, if you do not prefer oil, then apply a mixture of one cup of curd with one or two eggs on the hair and leave it on for half an hour before shampooing it off.
8-A big no to hairdryer
After shampooing, it is necessary to dry your hair naturally as excess and continual use of a hairdryer causes split ends in the hair.
9- Trim them regularly
Regularly go for trimming your hair. This takes care of the split ends and gives a healthier look to the hair.
10-Stop chemical-based products
Do not use excess lotion, gel, mousse, or spray on your hair, as it does more harm than good.
Hair-related problems during winters and their fixes.
Winter haircare programme
The common curls associated difficulties that occur during winter seasons are as follows –
Dry Itchy Scalp
The main issue we all face during winter is a dry and itchy scalp. This primarily happens because we are exposed to dry air. We use heaters inside the house. We use hot water for our baths. There is a lack of moisture in the air. All of these combine together and make the skin on your scalp and face really dry.
How to fix this problem?
1- Take almond oil/ coconut oil/ olive oil (anyone) and mix a few drops of lavender oil to it. Apply it all over your scalp gently. Use it twice a week. Your scalp irritation will be a lot much better.
2- You need to make sure that you are using a mild and gentle shampoo. Nothing too harsh or nothing with too much sulfate, which will make your skin even drier.
3- Try using a mask as a conditioner. Leave the mask on your hair for a longer time.
4- Avoid using too much hot water. Use a cold rinse after using conditioner, so it seals your cuticle and most importantly you have to make sure you are oiling your hair.
Straw like hair
Straw-like hair is specifically for people who have colored, damaged hair. This happens due to depleted levels of moisture in the air which actually sucks out and makes your hair drier. In winter people drink less water which also affects their skin and hair.
How to fix this problem?
1- Drink a lot of water to keep hydrated.
2- Take four teaspoons full of coconut milk, one tsp honey, and add half a banana to it. Run this mixture in a mixer so that no banana lumps get stuck on your hair. Apply this from the middle length to the end. Do not go too close to your roots with this blend. This is an extremely hydrating mask for your hair.
3- Apply moisturizing serums that have argan oil.
4- Vitamin E is also good for your locks.
5- Avoid using heated tools like straighteners or curlers too much during the winters.
6- Minimize the use of hairdryers with maximum heat. Either air dry your locks or dry them on the lowest heat. Minimize the heat level of your driers and then use it.
There is a build-up of dried skin on your scalp and that increases hair fall. Due to this reason nutrients cant pass through the follicles into the roots.
How to fix this problem?
1- Try shampooing regularly with a mild and gentle shampoo so that there is not too much build-up of dead skin on your scalp.
2- Use any sort of oil that has onion juice in it. Onion oil nourishes the hair and helps restore lost nutrients to the scalp. It minimizes breakage of hair and increases hair growth and volume.
Hair breakage and split ends
This problem exists due to three reasons.
1-There is too much build-up of dead cells on the scalp.
2-There is not enough nutrition that passes to the roots and hence hair becomes brittle.
3-Due to extreme dryness.
How to fix this problem?
1- Apply this protein mask. Mix together one egg, one tbsp olive oil, and one vitamin e capsule. The application should be from the middle ends to the ends. Keep it for an hour. Use it twice a week.
2- Use hair serums in between your washes to keep your tresses moisturized.
Dry White Flakes
White flakes are not dandruff. They are caused because of dead or dry cells on the scalp that falls whereas dandruff is a scalp infection caused by a fungus. During winters we get white flakes. We usually get dandruff in the monsoon season. Dry white flakes are small white particles and dandruff’s are bigger and yellow in color.
How to fix this problem?
1- Use mild shampoo to control PH levels on your scalp.
2- Do not scratch your scalp when it is super itchy. Pat it slightly.
3- Keep your scalp hydrated.
Winter hair hacks
You can follow some quick and easy hair hacks to keep winter-generated hair difficulties at bay.
1- Oil before bath. Keep your hair hydrated and moisturized.
2- Drink enough water.
3- Use a silk or satin pillow at night. This way open untied hair stays untangled in the morning after sleep.
4- Use aloe vera gel after bath.
5- Experiment with different types of oils during the winter season.
6- Avoid using henna powder for coloring. Henna is cold in nature and is not suitable to be applied in winters.
7- Go for indigo powder for covering your greys.
8- Cover your tresses with a silk scarf.
Some question answered
How to follow the winter haircare regime?
Healthy food always takes care of our overall health. Before using anything externally an internal dosage of good food will make all the difference. Consume a protein-rich diet and apply a protein mask on the tresses once weekly. Brushing and oiling the locks will make all the difference. Always avoid chemical-based products and high heat tools. Conditioning and shampooing them will keep them clean and shielded.
How can I oil my hair in winter?
You can experiment with different types of oils during the winter season. The winter oil application recipe is as follows – Take almond oil/ coconut oil/ olive oil (anyone) and mix a few drops of lavender oil to it. Apply it all over your scalp gently using your fingertips. Leave it for two to three hours. Oiling is recommended doing twice a week.
Which oil is best for winter haircare regime?
Winter is the time to play with different types of herbal oils. The selection of oil depends on the hair concerns. Coconut oil reduces flaking, Almond oil moisturizes the tresses, Bhringraj oil penetrates the scalp, Olive oil cures dry scalp and hair.
How frequently should I wash my hair in winter?
You need to make sure that you are using a mild and gentle shampoo. Nothing too harsh or nothing with too much sulfate, which will make your skin even drier. Shampooing twice a week is good to go, otherwise can be done thrice, if required.
Should I include oil in winter haircare regime?
Oiling should be done throughout the year. It moisturizes the locks and keeps them hydrated. A proper massage after oiling gives them the gloss.
Oil your hair at least once a week, with a good ayurvedic or herbal hair oil with the help of your fingers.
Bestow love and care to your lovely locks and make them hassle-free and wonderful. Dedicate a few minutes of your precious time to them and you will become a proud owner of healthy and happy hairs. The Winter haircare regime is getting important day by day due to increasing cases of hair loss and deterioration of its health.
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