Category: Hair Care

Hair Dye 3

Hair Dyes- Natural and Synthetic Types

Preparing a hair dye or decorating the tresses with various elements was conducted for ages. Painting locks using different formulas is not a new vogue. With time experimentation of working on distinct ideas has boomed. Individuals are exploring a lot to achieve a unique and new hair tint.

Oiling hair 0

Oiling Hair – 6 do’s and don’t and hair nourishment

We used to oil our hair and used to leave it overnight thinking it will nurture the crowning glory to the fullest. Keeping oil in your hair for more than five to six hours makes hair sticky and allows dirt to sit on it besides it mixes with the scalp’s original oils. It can also cause hair infections. keeping oil overnight is a big no-no. “Experts say 30 minutes is more than enough.”